Subject: VIEW2PLUS: V1.2 View 2 Plus-M... Author: Michael Ross Uploaded By: OOSHMURRAY Date: 1/19/1996 File: V2PLSREG.ZIP (48875 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 770 Needs: An UnZIPing program, Windows 3.1 or later, MS-Word Keywords: Ross, View2Plus, Viewer, Word, WFW, Winword, View, Windows Keywords: Ross, View2Plus, Viewer, Word, WFW, Winword, View, Windows Type: Shareware Tired of switching document and application windows to find what you're looking for? Want to compare and edit documents within Word or with other apps in Windows 3.1, 95 or NT? View2 Plus (Release 1.2) lets you take control! Three modes of operation offer thumbnail previews of documents; side by side document editing, including macros and protected docs; individual quarter and half-size windows; and side-by-side placement of Word with any other application. Patent Pending in U.S. To run, open: V2PLSREG.DOC in Microsoft Word. Documentation: Included in program. Downloads for previous version: 74